
Whether you’re an educator, a parent, or a student, you might be awfully aware of the fact that bullying has become more common than we’d like to believe. Bullying takes many shapes and forms and sometimes our efforts to create...
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I’m going to be honest. I don’t like the phrase anti-bullying. Of course, I like the concept. In fact, we created the whole dude. be nice company because we were tired of the negative ways people were treating each other...
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It may be a hard truth to admit, but the likelihood that bullying is occurring in your school is high. It may not always be seen, but it is happening and it’s up to everyone within the building to take...
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I didn’t always want to become a teacher. In college, I majored in political science and planned to go to law school, chase a high-paying job with a ton of prestige, and live a life focused on the next big...
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Here’s a confession right out of the gate… I struggle with uncertainty and I can be very impatient. For the most part, I’ve improved with age. That is until March 13, 2020. That date may evoke emotions in you too....
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